青岛市市南区代表团到访ICEC新德里总部 Delegates from QINGDAO Meet with ICEC
ICEC hosted a District-level government delegation from Shinan, Qingdao Province on 20th December, 2018. The group was led by Mr. Hua Yusong, Secretary, CPC Shinan District Committee.
ICEC organized their meeting with Solar Energy Society of India (SESI) to provide them information on the solar industry in India. SESI is one of the oldest organizations (started in 1978) working towards promotion of solar use in India.
The deliberations and discussions were in-depth and focused. Many areas of cooperation and joint research emerged which needs to be taken forward by both sides.
Firstly, BCIM presents a new and unique opportunity for the four countries to collaborate and become a platform for the region. BCIM will involve environmental issues with respect to clearing up the corridor and energy requirements. “Greening the BCIM” is one area where Shinan and SESI seemed to be very interested to initiate a joint research project. Other areas related with green buildings and solar energy development can also be identified.
Secondly, water pollution and contamination is an issue shared by India and China. Industrial ground water contamination is a big issue in China but not a challenge for the regulators in India. Still, in future as the industry grows India might face similar problems. Ground Water technological cooperation is another area identified by the both sides.
Finally, a number of joint and collaborative programs with SESI were encouraged. The potential is very much to look into green buildings, climate modelling, city infrastructure, etc. CPC Shinan & SESI appointed a nodal point person to take the communication forward for identifying areas and opportunities for collaboration and research.
In their meeting with the Secretary General, ICEC, cooperation in the realm of culture was focused upon. The need for a sister-city tie up with Qingdao was expressed by Secretary Yusong. Especially in the area of promoting yoga culture in Qingdao. ICEC proposed that organizing a Yoga festival would be a fruitful way of endorsing yoga.
Another import area of cooperation was of Tsingtao Brewery in India given the high demand in the Beer market of India. They were advised to create local distributorship in India and even set a brewery to further boost production and sales of their brand. Similarly, ICEC advised the other companies on how to enter Indian market based on their industry and products.
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