
陕西省果业管理局代表团组会见ICEC Shaanxi Fruits delegation meets with ICEC


印度气候的多样性使得印度能够提供各种各样的新鲜水果和蔬菜。印度的果蔬产量位居世界第二,仅次于中国。根据印度国家园艺委员会公布的数据显示,2015- 2016年,印度生产了9020万吨水果和1.691亿吨蔬菜。而水果种植面积则达到了630万公顷,蔬菜种植面积达到了1010万公顷。在所有水果中,产量最高的分别是木瓜(43.6%)和芒果(包括山竹和番石榴)(40.4%)和香蕉(25.7%)。

India's diverse climate ensures availability of all varieties of fresh fruits & vegetables. It ranks second in fruits and vegetables production in the world, after China. As per National Horticulture Database published by National Horticulture Board, during 2015-16, India produced 90.2 million metric tonnes of fruits and 169.1 million metric tonnes of vegetables. The area under cultivation of fruits stood at 6.3 million hectares while vegetables were cultivated at 10.1 million hectares. Amongst fruits, the country ranks first in production of Bananas (25.7%), Papayas (43.6%) and Mangoes (including mangosteens and guavas) (40.4%).


The recent ban of Chinese apples and pears in India has quite affected the Chinese companies, because a lot apples used to be exported to India, and now there is a need to sell them to other countries. It is a quite an unfavourable situation for the apple exporters in China, because India is a large market for China.


Therefore, in the light of the ban getting lifted in the coming year, a high-level delegation from Shaanxi province visited ICEC to promote their products and fruit product companies to seek for buyers in India on December 12th. The group was led by Mr. Zhang Zhourang, Director General, Baoji Municipal Agricultural Administration along with delegates from Peoples’ Government of Luochuan County, Luochuan Apple Industry Administration and the Project Division and Trade Promotion Division of the Shaanxi Provincial Fruit Administration.


Ms. Li Xiaohong from the Project Division, Shaanxi Provincial Fruit Administration invited ICEC to the Fruits Expo in Shaanxi and visit the apple orchards, fruit market and companies in Baoji which is world-famous. She expressed the need for promotion of Chinese fruit companies for partnership and distribution opportunities in India.


ICEC advised on the importance of organizing B2B and matchmaking seminar in India with the purpose of building business ties in the fruits and agro sector as it was a good time with higher chances of the ban being lifted soon. The recent China-India Fruits Business Seminar organized by ICEC in partnership with the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs, China and the Embassy of the Peoples’ Republic of China in India, New Delhi was a successful event through which various Indian companies got the opportunity to network and build business ties with their Chinese counterparts.

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